Han-Chin's Portfolio

Dr. Han-Chin Liu received his Ph. D. degree at Iowa State University specialised in Curriculum and Instructional Technology. With years of teaching experience as a middle school science teacher, he is interested in using computer animations and simulations to promote conceptual change in science learning. Multiple forms of  representations of information is now commonly used in today's classrooms to achieve student learning. Dr. Liu's recent research focuses on the cognitive processes of multimodal information in multimedia learning, especially in science learning.

Contact Information:

No.85, Wunlong Village, Minsyong Township,
Chiayi County 62103, Taiwan
E-mail: hcl@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
TEL: +886-5-2263411 ext. 1526
FAX: +886-5-2062328

[Professional Experience] [Teaching Experience] [Research] [Journal Publications] [Papers and Conference Activities]

Professional Experience:

Associate Professor, 2010 - Present
Department of E-Learning Design and Management
Teachers College
National Chiayi University
Chiayi, Taiwan

Assistant Professor, 2005 - 2010
Department of E-Learning Design and Management
Teachers College
National Chiayi University
Chiayi, Taiwan

Research Assistant, 2000 - 2005
Iowa State University
Flash interactive simulation developer


Teaching Experience:

Course Taught

(Graduate Level)
Introduction to Instructional Technology
Principles of Distance Education
Multimedia and Cognition
Computers and Cognition
Instructional Design

 (Undergraduate Level)
Instructional Media
Introduction to Instructional Design
Computer Animation
Computes and Instruction
Web-Based Instruction



A. Research Interests
Cognitive Processes in Multimedia Learning
Computer Simulations in Science Learning

 B. Research Grants
"Construction and Evaluations of a Simulation-Based Learning Environment for Learning Newtonian Motion: An Investigation from Situated Cognition Perspectives ",
funded by National Science Council, Taiwan 2010-2011. 99-2511-S-415-008-
“Examine Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning from the Perspective of Eye Movements”, funded by National Science Council, Taiwan 2008-2010. 97-2511-S-415-005-MY2
“Investigation of the Interactions Between information Presentations and Student Prior Knowledge in a Simulation-Based Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environment”, funded by National Science Council, Taiwan 2007-208. 96-2520-S-415-003-


Journal Publications:

Liu, H.-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2010). 'Examination of viewers’ cognitive processing of multimedia information from the perspective of eye movements.' Interactive Learning Environments. First published on: 21 January 2010 (iFirst). DOI: 10.1080/10494820903520123.
*       Liu, H.-C., & Su, I.-H. (2010). 'Learning residential electrical wiring through computer simulation: The impact of computer-based learning environments on student achievement and cognitive load. ' British Journal of Educational Technology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.01047.x
*       Liu, H.-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2009) 'Investigation of the impact of two verbal instruction formats and prior knowledge on student learning in a simulation-based learning environment', Interactive Learning Environments, First published on: 24 October 2009 (iFirst). DOI: 10.1080/10494820903356940.
*        Liu, H.-C., Andre, T., & Greenbowe, T. (2008). The impact of learner’s prior knowledge on their use of chemistry computer simulations: A case study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(5), 466-482.
*   蕭玟櫻、劉漢欽(2008)。學習不設防–護理在職教育數位化。中臺學報,20(1),119-134。(ISSN-1727-4443)
*   陳東甫、劉漢欽(2007)。以MiniLyrics製作適合閱讀障礙者之語音文字同步電子書。視聽教育,48(6),45-49。(ISSN-1023-4438)
*   蘇義賢、劉漢欽(2007)。動畫模擬教學網站之製作:以室內配線教學為例。視聽教育,48(5),42-52。(ISSN-1023-4438)
*   劉漢欽、徐國樑(2007)。提示性時鐘教材之製作。國小特殊教育,43(3),30-38。
*   陳東甫、劉漢欽(2007)。電腦合成語音系統在閱讀教學上的應用與省思。國小特殊教育,43(3),70-80。
*   陳東甫、劉漢欽(2007)。資訊科技融入特殊教育領域-以全方位教學設計推動融合教育的實施。教師之友,48(3),69-74。
*   劉漢欽(2006)。大學生如何應用電腦模擬學習電化學概念之研究。高雄師大學報,20,23-42。(ISSN-1021-4542)
*   劉漢欽、徐國樑(2006)。利用PHP製作提示性數學學習教材:以時鐘教材為例。視聽教育,48(1),49-54。(ISSN-1023-4438)


Papers and Conference Activities:

*   Hsu, K.-L., Liu, H.-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2010). A multifunctional web-based e-pPortfolio system for special education (SMT). Paper accepted by the 2010 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention.  (Anaheim, CA, USA., October 26-30)
*   Liu, H-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2010). Investigation of the redundant effect of multimedia web pages on viewers’ cognitive processes based on viewers’ eye movements. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting sessions for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). (Denver, CO, USA., April, 30-May 04). (ISSN-1063-9676)
*       Liu, H.-C. (2009). Eye-Tracking Viewers Processing of Web-Based Multimedia Information. In Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing  (pp. 699-704). (Taipei, Taiwan, Dec, 03-05). ISBN: 978-1-4244-5227-9 Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/JCPC.2009.5420094
*     Chuang, H.-H., Yang, Y.-F., & Liu, H.-C. (2009). What digital divide factors matter in the motivation to use technology to learn English? A case of low SES young learners in Taiwan. In Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing (pp. 721-725). (Taipei, Taiwan, Dec, 03-05). ISBN: 978-1-4244-5227-9 Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/JCPC.2009.5420094
*       Liu, H-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2009). Using eye-tracking technology to explore viewers’ information processing patterns when viewing web-based lLearning content. Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE). (Taipei, Taiwan, May, 25-28). (ISBN-978-957-752-546-8)
*       Liu, H-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2009). Learning residential wiring through computer simulations: The Impact of computer-based learning environments and spatial Ability on student achievement and cognitive load. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting sessions (April 9-13) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). (San Diego, CA, USA., April, 12-18). (ISSN-1063-9676)
陳柏裕、劉漢欽、 鐘樹椽、周佳瑩 (2009)。以眼動追蹤法觀察網頁中動畫和圖片的圖文配置對瀏覽者閱讀歷程之影響。Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE). (Taipei, Taiwan, May, 25-28).  (ISBN-978-957-752-546-8)
周佳瑩、劉漢欽、 鐘樹椽、陳柏裕(2009)。版面編排在訊息處理過程之影響。Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE). (Taipei, Taiwan, May, 25-28).  (ISBN-978-957-752-546-8)
徐國樑,劉漢欽 (2009)。特殊教育啟智班Moodle學習檔案評量系統之開發與可行性評估。Paper presented at the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE). (Taipei, Taiwan, May, 25-28). (ISBN-978-957-752-546-8)
Liu, H-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2009). Learning residential wiring through computer simulations: The Impact of computer-based learning environments and spatial Ability on student achievement and cognitive load. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting sessions (April 9-13) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). (San Diego, CA, USA., April, 12-18). (ISSN-1063-9676)
黃繼仁、莊雪華、劉漢欽(2008)。資訊科技融入教育實習課程的研究網誌與省思日誌的結合應用。Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Theory and Practice of Curriculum and Instruction Reform. (Hua-Lian, Taiwan, May, 23-24).
*       Liu, H.-C., Chuang, H.-H., & Huang, J.-L. (2008). A Study of the Correlation among Students’ Self-Efficacy, Learning Strategies and Academic Achievement in a Web-Based Learning Environment. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting sessions (April 9-13) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). ( New York City , NY , USA., March, 24-28). (ISSN-1063-9676)
*        Liu, H.-C., & Chuang, H.-H. (2008). Investigating the Use of ThinkerTools to Promote Learning of Newton’s Laws of Motion - A Case Study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference for the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) (Baltimore, USA., March 30 – April 2).
*       Liu, H.-C., & Shu, I.-S. (2008). Learning Residential Wiring System With Computer Simulations: What Affected Student Understanding? Paper presented at the 2008 Conference of Asian Science Education (CASE) ( Kaohsiung , Taiwan , February 20-23).
*       Liu, H.-C., Chuang, H.-H., & Huang, J.-L. (2008). The Correlation among Web-Based Learners’ Self-Efficacy, Learning Strategies and Outcomes. In K. McFerrin et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2008 (pp. 3030-3034). Chesapeake , VA : AACE.ISBN: 1-880094-64-9
*      Chuang, H.-H., & Liu, H.-C. (2008). The Use of Weblog-Based Portfolios in Teacher Education. Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Conference for the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) (Las Vegas, Nevada , USA , March, 3-7). ISBN: 1-880094-64-9
*      Chuang, H.-H, Liu, H.-C., & Huang, C.-R. (2007). Development and Application of Weblog-based Portfolio for Student Teachers. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting sessions (April 9-13) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). ( Chicago , IL , USA , April 9-13, 2007). (ISSN-1063-9676)
*      Liu, H.-C., & Andre, T. (2006). How College Students’ Prior Knowledge Level Affected Their Use of Computer Simulations to Learn Electrochemistry. Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting sessions (April 7-11) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA). ( San Francisco , CA , USA , April 7-11, 2006). (ISSN-1063-9676)
*    莊雪華、謝宗憲、黃繼仁、劉漢欽(2006)。結合電子歷程檔案模式之網路部落格設計與發展-以教育實習為例。論文發表於第二屆台灣數位學習發展研討會,台南。
*    莊雪華、黃繼仁、劉漢欽謝宗憲2006)。結合網誌(網路部落格)的電子歷程檔案在教育實習上的應用。論文發表於「華人社會的教育發展」學術研討會,澳門大學。
*    謝宗憲、林曉薇、劉漢欽2006)。自由軟體於校園應用之調查研究以嘉義地區國民小學為例。論文發表於2006年電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會,新竹。
*    劉漢欽、陳美芳(2006)。嘉義縣市高職學生使用網路相關遊戲與問題解決能力之相關研究。論文發表於遠東技術學院2006年第七屆網際網路應用與發展學術研討會,台南。
*    劉漢欽、陳美芳(2006)。嘉義縣市高職學生使用網路相關遊戲與社會適應能力之相關研究。論文發表於國立台北科技大學2006年技職教育永續發展學術研討會,台北。